baby cooper - the home stretch - part 1!

july, 03
august, 03
september, 03
october, 03

July 24, 2003 (29 weeks, 1 day)

I remember when this blouse used to be too big, not to mention these pants! I have gone through my first batch of maternity clothes, and I'm on to only the bigger ones now. That's pretty sobering, the day when you can't zip up your maternity pants. :) Baby is growing beautifully and is just the size she should be. I have only gained about 18 pounds at this point, and most of it is out front, as you can see.

Remember when I said I was completely off peanut butter? I'm eating a whole lot of it now! ;) I think it started being appealing again at about 24 weeks.

This one is just for kicks! I debated on whether I would post it here or not, but it's a great picture and I am actually smiling, so I figured what the heck. That's our little girl in there, all right! (and no, we haven't settled on her name yet)

August 9 , 2003 (31 weeks, 3 days)

We had such a good time at our baby shower in Maine. (thank you Nana, Mom, Auntie, and Robyn for throwing the party!) Here are some pictures from the shower - we haven't gotten everything set up yet in the baby's room, but when we do, we'll take some more pictures.

Opening gifts with Robyn

Showing everyone where the baby piglet is hiding out! :)

August 15, 2003 (32 weeks, 2 days)

Here is our baby again! Her nose and forehead are facing up and to the left. (Click to enlarge the photo) It isn't as clear as the ultrasound we had in May, but it was a lot of fun to see her wiggling around. She is healthy and doing well! The weight estimate from this ultrasound (though they can be off by a bit in either direction) was approximately 5 pounds, 11 ounces. Wow!

August 16, 2003 (32 weeks, 3 days)

Here I am at Irena's cook-out. This is the same T-shirt I was wearing in a picture from May, which is kind of frightening! It was a really fun party despite the muggy weather. (hence the puffy ankles)

on to the third trimester - part 2
back to the second trimester
back to mini cooper
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