baby cooper - the first trimester

january, 03
february, 03
march - april, 03

January 30, 2003 (4 weeks, 1 day)

This was the first clear indication we had that we were going to be parents. Just a couple of pink lines on a stick to show that a little somebody had started a hormone factory inside me, about two weeks previously. I didn't start to feel funny for about another 2 weeks... it was all a surreal experience, knowing in my mind that I was pregnant, but having no proof other than a box full of used home pregnancy tests.

February, 2003

No pictures from February, which was mostly devoted to morning sickness. (trust me, it's better this way! ;) ) My funniest food "aversion" is peanut butter. I can't even think about peanut butter anymore without getting sick to my stomach. Oddly, it's fine in a Reese's cup, just not plain. Hehe.

We have been reading a fantastic book on fetal development called From Conception to Birth - it is fun to follow along with the baby's daily happenings.

March 15, 2003 (10 weeks, 3 days)

Here I am in my Mom's kitchen, beginning to pop out of my pants a little bit. I have gained about 3 pounds so far, right on track for where I should be. I certainly don't look pregnant yet, but I'm beginning to look a little heavier. Since I can actually eat more than you'd feed to a sick cat now, I bet I'll be getting bigger by the week.

March 21, 2003 (11 weeks, 2 days)

Our first ultrasound - probably the most incredible experience of my life so far. (click above to see the full image) The head is on the lower left, and the baby is resting on his or her back, kind of angled upward. With a little imagination, you can see one eye. In the ultrasound itself, we could see the little arms waving and legs kicking.

I can't button my jeans anymore, I'm going to have to buy some elastic waist jeans. (yuck!!) Wish me luck.

April 5, 2003 (13 weeks, 3 days)

Next Wednesday, we will be in the second trimester - exciting, and it will be a relief.
I am out of all my regular pants that button, except for one pair of gray Dockers that won't be around long. When I wear those, I don't quite look pregnant, just like I have been hitting the Cheesecake Factory a little too often.
But the rest of the time... hello, baby!

The baby is now about 3 1/2 inches long, an inch and a half longer than he or she was when we had our first ultrasound. It's incredible what's going on in there... nearly everything is developed, all baby needs to do is grow and mature. I can't believe that in just another 6 weeks, I might feel the baby move. (wiggling like crazy right now, but rarely hitting "the walls," and those feet are just so tiny I can't feel it yet!)

I'm beginning to get "boy vibes" from that neighborhood, we'll see if we are right!

On to the second trimester

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