Vital Stats and Details:

Charlotte was born on October 2, 2003 at 2:03 PM. (10-2-2003 at 2:03!)

Mary had a scheduled induction at 39 weeks, 1 day. We arrived at the hospital at 5:15 AM. Mary was hooked up to the Pitocin right away, and by about 10:00, things were getting interesting (to say the least!) and Mary had her epidural.

By 12:30 PM, Mary was fully dilated and ready to push. An hour and a half later, Charlotte made her appearance, all nine pounds, seven ounces of her and "posterior" -- facing up to the sky. We were all amazed that she was so big and so beautiful! At first we didn't know how long she was. Our family pediatrician measured her on Friday, and she is 20 3/4 inches long. A chunky monkey!

Charlotte's first photo

A big girl.. you can see how her head was a little squished coming out.
It looked fine again by Saturday!

Mama and her baby - tired and happy. We kept the messy stocking cap
as a special reminder of our first moments together.

Charlotte making her mommy cry!

Our new family

Her Hospital Stay