i've moved. i'm in school now. it's been interesting and crazy kids. all the zines in the catalogue went off to people at philly zine fest or wooden shoe books in philly over the summer. i'm done, i'm out. i'm trying to get a new zine out, but who knows how it will go?
sorry about not updating earlier.
updated hardcore. well, kind of not really. i just realized how barren
the zines in here are...hence, if you would like to be distroed, get in touch.
i'm back, i'm back, i'm really really back (hmmm two missy elliot references
on one page).
-there's a zine library at my school now. if you're interested in donating your zine,
please send them along to me (address on contact page)
-i'm also looking for new zines to distro.
listen up motherfuckas. you have five seconds to catch your breath..
yeah i'm listening to missy elliot's pass that dutch right now. besides that,
fc distro is trying to build up its catalogue. i promised i'd be much much more diligent
about responding submissions (some of the time it's also cause it's hard for me to say no, that i
end up not writing back), but most of all i now have more time. and a po box. the new address is:
p.o. box 1007
winchester, MA 01890
but anyways, submit ! please. we need more zines....
i also gotta update with new zines: cryptic slaughter/larceny split,
cia makes science fiction unexciting #2, stolen sharpie revolution,
a gentrification reader, poverty crime and government, context, untitled #2,
+ hopefully more
restocking, relaxing and scanning. (i'll be in germany for february,
but i've got plans i tell ya...plans)
i'm looking for a lot of new zines to distro. the snail mail address
is actually still the same. i've been trying to get a po box, but haven't
gotten around to it.
tschuss for now
last updated: 1.27.04